BLOOD RED SARI Read online

Page 15

  Anita realized with a shock that it was her. She was the woman moaning.

  She looked down. She had put her foot down on the ground. That was what had elicited the moan.

  Bastard gave me something. Some kind of sedative or tranquilizer.

  And then he had called someone.

  She had to get the fuck out of here, fast.

  She tried to take a couple of steps but the pain was excruciating. Yet there was a layer of numbness between her and the pain. So the doctor had given her something, but the fracture could probably not deal with having her weight on it anymore. The memory of the day was doubtless making it scream in agony. No more.

  But she had to step on it. She had to walk. She had to get the fuck out of here before Isaac and Graham and whoever else they were mixed up with came to get her. Because this time there would be no Bibles, no mistakes. They would get her.

  ‘Come on, bitch. Man up,’ she said, then snorted a burst of laughter, spraying mucus from her running nose. Her eyes and nose and throat were all running because of the pain and because she was literally weeping with the pain. She had laughed because of the incongruity of her being a woman telling herself to ‘man’ up. ‘Woman up, bitch,’ she corrected herself. That sounded better. Toughness wasn’t an exclusive male privilege.

  If women can have babies without epidurals, I can fucking walk on a broken foot.

  She gritted her teeth and limped towards the entrance of the clinic.

  By the door, she spotted a crutch, leaning against the side of a medicine cabinet with a glass front. There were two or three of them. She almost cried again with relief.

  ‘Give me that, fucker,’ she said aloud, not even aware she was speaking aloud.

  She tried on and discarded the first one for being too high. It was taller than her head. She tossed it aside. It fell against the front of the cabinet and cracked the glass. She didn’t care. She tried the second one. It was a perfect fit.

  ‘Howzzat!’ she cried, shooting up a finger in the universal gesture of a cricket fan.

  She fixed the crutch under her armpit, happy that it was padded. She hopped a step or two on it and was so pleased to have the weight taken off her broken foot, she cried a little more out of relief.

  She turned and hopped out of the entrance, into the main zoo.

  Except for the distant sounds of various animals, it was quiet outside. She sniffed at the raw stench of manure, piled somewhere nearby in the darkness. She hobbled down the pathway, trying to remember the way she had come with the security guard. Not a soul was in sight, and from down here, she couldn’t see a thing. She might as well have been in the backwater swamplands. The zoo was heavily wooded and she guessed the trees and animal habitats blocked the light and the view.

  She saw a few glimmers of light here and there in the darkness, but they seemed very far away. Still, there was light enough on the pathway to see by, so she decided to stick with it and put as much distance between herself and the clinic as possible. Once she was at large in the zoo, it would be as difficult for them to find her as it was for her to see anything. She hopped until she found a divergence in the path and turned right without thinking about it. Either the painkiller was kicking in now or the activity was making her feel better. She wasn’t moaning any more or crying, and damn, she loved this fucking crutch.

  She continued for what seemed like kilometres and hours. Finally, she stopped, exhausted and feeling as if her joints were stiffening from the exertion. She hobbled close to a wall and leaned against it. She was afraid to sit because she knew it would hurt like hell when she had to get up again. She didn’t know what the security system was like in the zoo; whether the guards did regular sweeps or searches or just went home for the night.

  Yeah, sure, it’s a concentration camp. They have searchlights sweeping the walls and sentries in towers with precision rifles. It’s a fucking zoo, Anita. The only occupants are in cages or behind high walls.

  She shook her head at her own stupidity, knowing it was the continual pain of the injury and then the medication that were clouding her thinking. But that was dangerous. It could get her killed. She had to stay sharp.

  Nobody came, no voices yelled out in the night, no gun shots rang out, no police sirens – or even the wails of an ambulance.

  She leaned against the wall more, letting almost all her weight rest on it. It felt so good just to be still and to have the weight off her feet. Foot, actually. Damn, she loved this crutch.

  It was dead quiet in this part of the zoo. She had no idea where she was. With its labyrinthine turns and slopes, the layout of the place eluded her. But she thought she would be able to hear anyone approaching. She decided to chance making another call. By the light of the HTC, she fumbled with the courier receipts, searching for the phone number of the last recipient.


  RAJENDRA POWAR RETURNED WITH a doctor and a nurse. The nurse looked terrified witless, eyes darting this way then that. She saw the man on the ground and Advaita, and reacted as though they were the first dead bodies she had ever seen. Rajendra Powar pointed emphatically at Advaita, then jumped over her body and came towards Nachiketa. The doctor bent and began checking Advaita with a stethoscope. The nurse just stood staring around her as if expecting gunmen to leap out of the corners and start shooting. She chanced on Nachiketa across the room and stared at her wide eyed. Nachiketa raised her hand to Powar and the nurse started, as if shocked that Nachiketa was not a corpse. Powar pulled her legs free of the last bit of the bed sheets – damn, these hospitals really tucked those sheets and blankets in tightly – and began to pick her up.

  ‘Wait, wait,’ she said. ‘Tehro.’

  He paused, bent over in an awkward angle. The whole thing was taking place in a pantomime, she felt. The doctor was still examining Advaita with the stethoscope. Couldn’t he see that her eyes were open and she wasn’t breathing and she had vomited gouts of blood? The nurse was still standing there doing nothing but gaping, like a character in a black-and-white slapstick comedy. The Three Stooges, or Abbott and Costello, or Laurel and Hardy. Nachiketa reached out and grabbed the sheets on the bed, trying to align them by hitting them on the floor so she could get them into the yellow manila envelope. It was difficult with the mittens on, but she managed somehow. She thought there might be a few pages strewn here or there, the ones Advaita had been holding up to demonstrate the point she was making before the gunman came in, but she didn’t want to search for them. She just wanted to get the hell out of here and so put the envelope on her lap and nodded to the security guard.

  ‘Okay,’ she said to Powar. ‘Uthao.’

  He took hold of her and picked her up with almost no effort. He was trying to avoid holding her with his hands, not out of modesty but because of the burns on his palms. She could identify with that. Her own palms felt awful and she didn’t know if it was the ointment inside the bandages or blood or pus or what-the-fuck. He carried her around the bed just as the LCD TV’s screen, hanging together like a glassine spiderweb, came crashing down in pieces on the side table with the flower vase. A little glass fell on his shoulder and she brushed it off with her mittens – that’s what the bandaged hands looked and felt like, hands in oven mittens – without thinking about it. He continued around the bed, then stepped over Advaita’s body to get to the door.

  The doctor raised his head from the dead body of Nachiketa’s friend just as Powar stepped over it, and Powar’s knee struck the doctor’s forehead a slight glancing blow. The doctor fell back on his bum, landing heavily. The stethoscope, not anchored to his ears at that instant, fell somewhere behind him on the floor with a metallic clatter. The nurse made a sound and stared down at the doctor who was sitting with his head exactly between her legs, looking up her skirt without intending to. Beside him, the German gunman lay on the ground, his head, mouth and hand smashed by the stool Powar had wielded.

  The security guard carried Nachiketa out of the private room into the main burn ward. T
here were doctors and nurses and ward boys milling about. Some of them crouched behind stretchers and tables when they saw Powar emerging, ducking to avoid being shot. They were all staring wide-eyed, but one very old ward boy with his cap perched at a jaunty angle on his almost-bald head was grinning for some inane reason. He grinned at Nachiketa as she was carried past him down the corridor.

  Powar picked up speed as they approached the door to the stairs.

  ‘Nahi,’ she said firmly. She had no intention of being carried down several flights of stairs by the man. ‘Lift se chalo.’

  Powar let the door to the stairs swing shut and turned and ran heavily to the lifts. There were more nurses and doctors here. Interns. They stared at them as if trying to recognize them. Nachiketa realized they thought they might be celebrities of some kind, either criminal or Bollywood or political – there wasn’t much difference between the three anymore, was there? – and were hoping to recognize one of them. A Dubai don’s moll, maybe? A Bollywood producer who had refused to pay extortion money to gangsters? A politician’s son who had shot a socialite in a snack bar because she wouldn’t serve him a hamburger with beef? Any of the above.

  Powar tried to reach the lift call buttons but couldn’t do so without banging Nachiketa’s head on the wall, so he jerked his chin at the intern standing nearby. ‘Bhaiya, button dabaoge?’

  The intern reached out and pressed the button.

  They waited for the lift to come up.

  Nachiketa was suspended sideways in space. From her angle she could see all the way back up the corridor down which they had come. The doctor and nurse were coming out of her room, both looking dazed. The doctor said something to a ward boy nearby – the same old dude who had grinned at her like a madman – who turned and began pushing a stretcher towards the room. Other doctors and nurses were turning and looking at her, then back at the room and at the doctor–nurse pair, as if trying to figure out if the action was over or just beginning. She realized it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes since the German had entered her room. It felt like an hour.

  The lift arrived with a young man in a wheelchair pushed by a very overweight middle-aged woman. Powar exclaimed in Haryanvi, then used his elbow to hold the door of the lift open. The woman stared at them.

  ‘Hattey kattey ho, utar jao. Isey bithana hai,’ Powar said to the young man in the wheelchair. The man looked up at him dully, then at Nachiketa. She smiled at him without thinking about it.

  When neither the young man nor his mother responded, Powar propped Nachiketa with one hand against the wall, reached out and grabbed the collar of the young man’s kurta and shoved him out of the chair. He went stumbling but found his feet with surprising ease. He stood, looking dazed. His mother stared at him then at Powar, trying to understand what had just happened.

  Powar put Nachiketa in the wheelchair, slapped at the mother’s wrists to make her let go of the wheelchair’s handles. The mother realized what he was doing and tried to grab the wheelchair again. Powar slapped her hands away – they were immensely thick with heavy rolls of fat, and wobbled gelatinously when he slapped them. She made a sound of Punjabi outrage. Powar rolled the wheelchair into the lift and the doors rolled shut, leaving the woman standing and making her noises of indignation.

  It was quiet and peaceful in the lift. Muzak was playing on a speaker somewhere. She recognized the song, the title song from the new Aamir Khan movie, the one in which he was a …

  The lift doors opened again. They were still on the same floor. The Punjabi woman was holding her son by the shoulders. The contrast between mother and son was like an image from a burlesque film. She was so much bigger in size and proportion that he resembled a belan she was about to roll over chapatti dough. The boy saw the lift doors open and looked directly at Nachiketa. She smiled at him again. The mother’s head started to turn but the lift doors shut again.

  This time Powar jabbed his mitten at the lift buttons and the lift began to move downwards. Downstairs in the lobby, everything seemed as normal and chaotic as usual. Nachiketa couldn’t make out if there was more activity because of the shooting or if nobody even knew it had taken place.

  Minutes later, Rajendra Powar was wheeling her out of the hospital’s emergency entrance and down the wide concrete ramp. It occurred to her that she needed to tell him where to go.

  Some place safe. Some place where men won’t come after me and kill all my friends.

  Where on earth could she find a place like that?

  ‘Aapko gaadi chalani aati hai?’ she asked him, then realized it was foolish question. Jat men probably grew up driving tractors from the age of six. When he nodded, she pointed in the direction of the parking area. Advaita had gone to Nachiketa’s office building and picked up her car for her, leaving it in the hospital parking until she was ready to leave. She had remembered to snatch up the keys and dump them in the manila envelope as well. Now, she took them out and used the remote to locate the vehicle. The familiar beep-beep of her Civic came almost immediately, a few cars to the right. Powar wheeled her there at a half-run, taking the keys from her.

  He had just placed her in the car and strapped her seatbelt on her instructions when her cell phone rang. She fumbled and pulled the Blackberry out of her pocket. It had miraculously survived the fire, buried in her blouse pocket as it was, smothered by her when she crawled under the table. She looked at the screen. An unknown number flashed on it, with a Kerala code. She recognized the code and thought of the only person who could be calling from Thiruvananthapuram.

  ‘Drive,’ she told Powar who shut her passenger side door and went around the car.

  She clicked with her mitten-encased hand, glad that her BB was set to be answered with any button. ‘Hello, Lalima?’ she said. ‘What the fuck is going on, woman?’


  SHEILA TRIED NOT TO let herself be intimidated by the Burj. Driving up the entranceway itself made her feel like a character in some Hollywood film. The Towering Inferno, she thought wryly. She didn’t try to look up and see how the building looked from right below. She left that onerous task to the Bangladeshi who was more interested in damaging his upper spine than in what she had to say. She had to repeat herself twice before he heard her. ‘Hahm, hahm,’ he replied dreamily. ‘Aami apeksa karaba,’ he added as she began to walk away. ‘Apanara samaya niye.’ Of course he had no issues waiting and had plenty of time on his hands. She wondered if he would have been as patient if she had asked him to wait near Howrah Bus Stand. But as she walked away and looked back before entering the atrium, she thought he looked sweet standing there and staring up, like a child looking at a mountain. That sense of wonder, that simple amazement at humanity’s achievement was what differentiated him and her. Where she and her fellow Kolkatans saw only a rich man’s monstrous monument to greed, he saw something extraordinary and inspiring. She made a mental note to ask him his name later.

  The lobby was like something out of a science fiction film set. The ceiling went up so high, she couldn’t see the top without craning her neck, so she didn’t bother. She walked across a polished floor so sharply reflective she could see herself walking upside down in it. There were vaulting flights of glass flying this way and swooping that way, and she thought that the architect must have been an Ayn Rand fan, Howard Roark by way of Hafeez Contractor. There was an artificial body of water outside with vaulting fountains that weren’t switched on at the moment, and the glass picture windows, rising several dozen yards high, had water cascading down on one side, which produced a dreamy surreal effect. She found herself wondering what it would be like to sit on those lush calf-leather upholstered sofas on a hot afternoon, sunlight streaming in through that cascading waterwall, and read a book while sipping hot Earl Grey tea. Yeah, sure, and you’re wearing a Sabyasachi outfit and flirting with a Tollywood star. That’s so you, Sheila … not.

  The security officers wore suits, or maybe they were just security guards but wore suits. They looked neatly groomed,
well paid, and hard as nails. Not the usual uniformed backwash from standard security agencies. They tapped her name out on a touchscreen computer – shades of Die Hard – and politely told her to ‘take Elevator P to the penthouse suite, the last one on the right’. She was glad they guided her to it, because there turned out to be about two dozen elevators, and even though each one was neatly marked with which floors it went to, she would have spent ten minutes searching for the right one. ‘P’ was in an alcove by itself with a lobby and reception desk with an attractive Chinese Indian woman – dressed like a hostess in a swanky Chinese restaurant, in a dark red gown with beautiful gold embroidery and a slit all the way up to her lovely waist – behind it. Sheila admired the leg the slit revealed for its muscle tone. The hostess indicated the elevator door and pressed the button for her.

  ‘I love your gown,’ Sheila said.

  ‘Thank you,’ replied the hostess politely.

  ‘The embroidery is fantastic. From back home?’

  ‘No, actually, it’s done right here. China Town.’

  Sheila nodded, raising an eyebrow. That was impressive. She had no idea there were still Chinese artisans that good left in Kolkata. The old Chinese Indian population had long since dwindled, their traditional leather tanning and restaurant and beauty parlour businesses long since sold out to other communities. That was why she was meeting the Hakkadi here rather than in Chinatown.

  The elevator arrived and the hostess held the button while Sheila walked in, feeling very down at heel and embarrassed about her crumpled sweat-stained shirt and faded jeans. The doors closed and she was treated to an orchestral symphony for about thirty seconds before they opened again on the most glorious view she had ever seen of the city. She had expected a typical penthouse suite with glass picture windows, an extension of the luxurious interiors she’d seen in the atrium lobby, but this was far more extravagant. There was an entire garden here, with pathways and fountains and marble statuary. At one end was a dining space with buffet tables and white-liveried waiters and gowned hostesses, a bar, several Jacuzzis and a heated infinity swimming pool, and at this end, where she stood, was an atrium with marble tiling and all-white decor, so bright and gleaming she was afraid her Converses would leave footprints. There was another lift and a marble spiral staircase that led up somewhere. A hostess who could have been the sister of the one in the lobby downstairs greeted in traditional Chinese style, then added a delicately performed namaste as well. Sheila was aware of herself speaking the Hakkadi’s name, and of being escorted by a marbled, covered pathway that led around the garden and directly to a lounge area not visible from the lift. This was also done entirely in white, with gold piping and flourishes. About thirty distinguished and very wealthy looking men and women and couples lounged around, drinking, talking quietly, eating finger food and generally being rich and self-indulgent. Sheila felt certain that if she went around and looked at every face in the place, she would have a list of stars and celebrities and a Who’s Who of influential people whose names or company’s names were more famous than their recently exfoliated faces.